Air Dehumidifiers

29 Products in 191 Versions
Dryer, Regulators, Lubricator, Filters, Condensate Splitter
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Air Dehumidifier

Air dehumidifiers are used to reduced the humidity in a room or to maintain a constant humidity with air dehumidifiers. They are used for example to dry new buildings, after a water damage, for rooms in which steams are produced like swimming pools. To avoid condensate water (and so mould accumulations) Air Dehumidifiers are used.
The established Air dehumidifiers are working with three different methods:

Air cooling with condensate release (condensation):

The dry air is is trasnsfered by a ventilator over a heat exchanger, mostly tap water is used as cooling agent. The warm humid air is absorbed by a ventilator and shock cooled by a evaporating surface. The air humidity is condensed and the water is stored in a tank or released with help of a hose.

Hygroscopic absorption of fluids:

The dry air is transfered by a ventilator over a hygroscopic fluid. The fluid normally consists of a watery salt solution from lithium chloride, lithium bromide or calcium chloride. The steam migrates into the hygroscopic solution and dilutes it.

Adsorption of steams:

The dry air is transfered by a ventilator over an adsobent. Mostly the adsorbent is a silica gel and also called molecular sieve. The steam accumulates with adsorbent and is so condensed. The reverse dehydration process is taking place into two dry tanks. In one of the tank the compressed air is send over the adsorbent which dehydrates the air.